A review by gadicohen93
Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith


I read this one on a summer 2009 road trip to Canada, finished it in around a week I think (and that's a travel week, meaning barely any time to read, except probably some kinda-long car rides.) I remember I loved it--love meaning couldn't strip my eyes away from the pages.

But I remember only a few scenes, namely:

-A little boy in famined Ukraine, a cat someone ate, a kidnapped brother, eaten.
-Train tracks.
-Some really nasty murder stories.
-Something about a prison, or about torture, and about Leo not seeing his wife for a long long time.

That's it.

So, not very memorable, and I guess I also remember the ending was a little too... well-rehearsed? I don't know. It's a perfect example of a 3.5 star book, one that feeds your need for speed, that immerses you in things that make you passionate, in history... but a book you're not going to even remember that you read until you read something about a Russian serial killer and then you're like, "Woah what!? I think I read something about a Russian serial killer. Woah."

So yeah.