A review by josephvanburen
Make Something Up: Stories You Can't Unread by Chuck Palahniuk


One thing Chuck Palahniuk is good at is making poignant commentary on society and the human condition through disgusting, disturbing, and absurd stories. Most of the tales in this transgressive collection definitely do that. A few stories were kind of like "meh" for me, but the ones that hit home really kick you in the feels because they are so out there yet somehow very relatable. I connect with his characters because they are usually outcasts, marginalized, or just feel alone in some way. Palahniuk is obviously not for everyone. His stories cross lines that go places some readers don't want to visit. But in my opinion, that is what good literature with important messages often has to do. Sidenote: in the audiobook version, the author narrates some of the stories himself, and hearing his purposely awkward reading voice is a weird bonus.