A review by shoelay
This Golden Flame by Emily Victoria



After finishing the book my favourite aspect of this book definitely was how imperfect all the characters were especially Karis and Alix. I loved that when given a tough choice between saving ppl she cared for and doing what was considered "the greater good" she like most people would, made the selfish choice. It made her more personable to me at least. I also loved that her choice ended up being the wrong the choice almost damning everything, because how many times have we seen MC’s just magically making all the right choices and calling all the shots. Having Karis mess up and realize how dumb her choice really had been showed growth in her character. The cherry on top for me was Alix being unable to forgive Karis and wasn’t ready to trust her after being so heavily betrayed by the one person he trusted after his father. Seeing how hard it was for him to regain trust in Karis just made it all the more realistic and idk I just loved that it wasn’t a happy go lucky easy ending. All the characters faced their hardships and are in their own ways healing at the end as anyone would after an epic adventure like the one they faced.

Overall, I really did love the book and I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking to find parts of themselves in the pages of a book and a new family to belong in. Karis and Alix’s story is one where you can easily see urself in and realize its ok to be lost and it may be hard but you will find yourself and your path one day ✨

Favourite quote:
“So just be you, because that’s enough. It’s always been enough”