A review by litwithleigh
After the Fire by Will Hill



Moonbeam lived on a compound ruled by Father John, until one day the Government came and she was rescued (although she may not see it that way). Now on the Outside, Moonbeam has to figure how who she can trust while grappling with the guilt of a dark secret.


OOOooohhhhh lawd. I LOVED this one. I'm a sicko and love a good religious cult story. Not a hot take, but TO ME, cults are so fascinating. I loved the inside look at how the Legion went from a "normal" cult playing baseball to a full out Super Cult forced to live like it was 1820.

It did drag on in some parts, and the "big reveal" wasn't that big, but I was drawn into the "insider info" of Moonbeam's life on the compound (even though she hates that word).

This is a good read for anyone who anyone who is fascinated by cults and wonder what makes people stay. Potential trigger warning if you've had bad experiences with religion.


Pros: Juicy, insightful, realistic.

Cons: A little slow in some parts... Found myself jumping ahead, but I went back and read the entire thing. No big reveal tbh. More like a look at cult life and the power of a narcissist wielding the Bible.


Moonbeam grew up on a cult. One day the government raids the cult and she, along with a handful of other children, are saved. Flash forward, Moonbeam is in therapy with a cop (kinda unprofesh?) and recounting her traumatizing tale, but is she telling them everything she knows? Dun dun DUNNNNN