A review by michalice
The Dark Days Pact by Alison Goodman


Going into The Dark Days Pact I knew what to expect, but I still initially struggled to read this book. I love everything about the training, the fighting, and the hunts for a mysterious journal, but it took me a long time to get there. The historical aspect is something I knew I would struggle with, the language, the propriety, these are things that don't interest me, but I knew I had to get past these to get to the good bits, because the good bits are so worth the struggle.

The Dark Days Pact picks up after the disastrous coming out ball, and Lady Helen is whisked away to Brighton to 'recover' with her friends, but also learn more about the Dark Days Club and train her hardest. Everything they can do to help Lady Helen get stronger and be able to blend in with the club is done, even cutting her hair and dressing her as a man, much to her shock.

The Dark Days Pact occasionally took me a while to get through, as well as zooming through the fights. I liked getting to see inside the club and how it really works, seeing how much the members have to sacrifice in order to join. We get a better idea of what the deceivers do and how they feed, as well as seeing how far they will go to get what they want. The Dark Days Pact brings a lot of twists and turns with it, as we follow Lady Helen in her journey. A lot of information told is new, and towards the end there was a BIG shock that I did not expect, but it also opens up some amazing possibilities in the next book.

I have really enjoyed seeing Lady Helen grow throughout these books, and I am excited to see what comes next for her, as well as see her kick some butt.

Final Verdict
Although The Dark Days Pact was slow going at first, I did enjoy this one a lot more than the previous book, and the way this ends has me wanting to read the next book now.