A review by thebookscript
The Heart of a Cowboy by Jody Hedlund


I’m a simple girl who loves many genres. When someone tells me to read this Cowboy romance…I think, well why not?!

I loved the last Hedlund book I read so I imagined she’d be great at Westerns as well. And she was! This story was engaging and full of romantic moments of sweet tension.

Linnea is a botanist with an adventurous spirit and Flynn is a man who has sworn off marriage due to past trauma. But chemistry cannot be denied or contained once the two begin to build a wonderful friendship as they join forces on a journey to Colorado across the plains.

I loved the authentic cowboy energy this book had. There were dangers of the trail such as Indians, wildlife and weather conditions. Both of these characters were so fun to read about and had this instant physical connection. I loved the themes of learning to love despite fear and despite past prejudices.

I definitely won’t be counting out any future western romances in the future. This definitely made me want to read more from this series!