A review by pewterwolf
Stud by K.M. Neuhold


This series is such fun (a surprise discovery during Covid-19 UK lockdown, but so glad I found it!), and this instalment was no expectation. I had a blast reading this and I do think it's one of the stronger instalments (though nothing will bet [b:Caulky|50715079|Caulky (Four Bears Construction, #1)|K.M. Neuhold|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1580320353l/50715079._SY75_.jpg|75745499]. I adored Cole and Ren's story).

I have loved West since his introduction in [b:Nailed|53189356|Nailed (Four Bears Construction, #2)|K.M. Neuhold|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1587050540l/53189356._SY75_.jpg|80202894] as Dare's nephew and have rooted for him and Sawyer to get together since their first meeting, so this has been a long time coming. And I enjoyed myself hugely with this, but there are things in here that didn't work and I felt a little though am not a fan of the whole Sawyer sabotaging West's dates and everyone thinking it's cute and adorable. It's not. Really, it's not. I felt very uncomfortable over it. Plus, why is West the mature one in this relationship when he is in the mid-twenties and Sawyer is around fifteen year's his senior (a detail I don't believe has been mentioned in any of the previous instalments of the series), and yet he's the one acting like a jealous teenager and not West?

Sorry, had to get that rant out of my system. But I did like the story and the relationship. I liked how it was a friends to lovers romance (this takes place 3 years after their first meeting and STUD's prologue takes place two years prior while at Cole and Ren's wedding [and Ollie & Daniel's very drunk wedding] as seen in [b:Screwed|54675394|Screwed (Four Bears Construction, #4)|K.M. Neuhold|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1598640985l/54675394._SY75_.jpg|85305167]) with little/no angst, and once West and Sawyer both realised they liked each other, I like the sweetness between them (and, though I ranted in the above paragraph, I liked that it was the older of the couple that had worries and not the younger).

I, also, liked the friendship between West and Miller (who we meet in, I think, [b:Hardwood|54025139|Hardwood (Four Bears Construction, #3)|K.M. Neuhold|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1592167638l/54025139._SY75_.jpg|84399486] but might be misremembering) and I can't wait to read his story (I hope him being transgender isn't going to be the conflict of his story because, if so, I will DNF this series so fast!). And am intrigued on new character, Apollo, who had very little screen time but I sense will be a character I could love.

But this series is a comforting series and I get that some of you guys might find it a tad sugary, but I really enjoy this series and can't wait to read the next few instalments. Or maybe a reread of CAULKY is in order...