A review by shelleyann01
Waisted by Randy Susan Meyers


Think fat, be fat. Eat fat, be fat.
This book took my breath away. I cried, cringed and shook my head all through it. I know it was about weight but to me it was also about dealing with self esteem and self love. I felt so sad that Alice, Daphne and Hania had to go through all this, I saw so much of myself in them. These characters joked a lot to keep the sadness at bay and to hide a lot of angst. They all had pain they'd hidden from each other (and themselves) but through the tough time they were going through they each learned to share. I think when they finally realized they are not perfect, and that's ok, they begin to enjoy the body and life they were given. This book not only lifted me up, but made me reevaluate myself and my life. I can only hope this book will enlighten everyone as it did me.

The numbers on the scale tumbled; her spirits soared.
As I read, I was invested in the lives of these women, their struggles, their emotions, and their growth. The fat-shaming, the discrimination, and the lack of self-confidence was heartbreaking and difficult to read. It was hard to read the thoughts of women who have a negative self-talk tape running constantly in their minds, but more importantly, it made me think about how I actually live this way every single day of my life. But the friendship between the women was heartwarming and the message of self-love and self-acceptance is one women of any weight can identify with.

Thank you NetGalley, Atria Books and Randy Susan Meyers for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an impartial review; all opinions are my own.

#Waisted #NetGalley

All my reviews can be found on my blog: https://shelleyann01.blogspot.com/