A review by pagesofpins
Chanda's Secrets by Allan Stratton


This book does a remarkable job with establishing an unfamiliar place and mindset, and it crystal clear in its message. Though I wouldn't hesitate to hand it to a teen, I think some teens will be disinterested in reading a book about HIV/AIDs.

The author did a wonderful job of writing dynamic characters, people capable of both kindness and cruelty, intention and regret. I feel like I can see the small African villages he write about, including the silence and shame surrounding AIDS.

Sixteen-year-old Chanda is struggling with the death of her young baby sister, doubts about God, conflicts with her best friend over the choices she makes, memories of molestation by her mother's ex-boyfriend, and the alcoholism of her current stepfather. Her mother and her teachers are her cheerleaders, and she dreams of a scholarship and new life.

I love that Chanda's character has very believeable struggles/resentments/fears and also incredibly strong moments. I love when she stands up the quack doctor, when she refuses to turn her back on her best friend, and when she refuses to let her mother's family attribute her mother's sickness to God's wrath. A heartbreaking story, but an important one. An interesting cast of characters as well; in desperation or spite, they do terrible things, but are capable of great love and forgiveness as well.

Book Quote: “Where there is love there is life; where there is life there is hope.”