A review by livres_de_bloss
Call of the Penguins by Hazel Prior



I came into this story off a run of several bad books and, as a result, fairly low expectations and a properly grumpy outlook.

It blew me away!

It was great to be back with Veronica and crew in far flung places with penguins! While there was a bit more melodrama than the previous book, it wasn’t soap-opera-ish and felt reasonably believable. I could have done without some of the threads but, upon reflection, realize that some were necessary to make the story flow in a believable way.
Spoiler For a moment, I was really worried the baby-solves-everything trope was going to appear and was really pleased when it didn’t!
Patrick and Terry don’t half get on my nerves with how immature they are yet I can’t help but root for them. It’s a superb author that can make that happen! I liked to see some character growth from Veronica as well; she can be so difficult to empathize with at times that it was nice to see her gain a bit of self-awareness and shown some vulnerability.

I really appreciated the messages in this book about climate change, the dangers of plastic, and the plight of the penguins.
Spoiler Petra’s death, while utterly heartbreaking, really drove the messages home and was a stark reminder how the grim state of our planet. Huge props to the author for taking that risk and not shying away from reality.

This is one of the most enjoyable books I’ve read this year and urge everyone who enjoyed “Away With The Penguins” to read this second instalment, you won’t be disappointed!