A review by flamepea
A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin


2024 review-
2.5 stars
Well my memory is not as accurate as 2019 but progressing more throughout the series I am not interested in super dense fantasy that constantly depicts rape scenes every five seconds for the argument of "realism" I think I am going to stick to well written feminist fantasy. I did enjoy it a lot at the time - you can tell by my latter review and it was a good stepping point into the high fantasy world but I now have found a different place now.

2019 review-
Where to start with this phenomenal book? I know you’ve probably heard it all before but I cannot emphasise how much I was missing out on! I was originally quite intimidated by the series as I heard it was too hard to follow and I’m known to randomly forget things.

But in fact it was quite the opposite, the first few page I was sucked into a magical realm that was impossible to leave. Yes, of course I did get characters confused a few times as there were a few double ups of characters with the same names. I understand that it’s an immensely filled world but I feel like clarifying e.g John the 6th or whatever would’ve clarified things since even with surnames included there was bound to be another. Holy shit I was waiting for Daenery’s rise and I was not disappointed! It was built up and foreshadowed throughout the books perfectly but still left me completely shocked after reading the ending. Can we just talk about George Martin’s writing? There is just something so great about his writing that sweeps anyone away to his fictional world, his writing is so vivid I cannot put it in words. The betrayals, I can only imagine what the next book is going to be like there are so many twists that shocked me and I had to reread if it really happened! All the characters were written so well my favourite characters have to be (so far) Tyrion Lannister, Arya Stark and Jon Snow. The only reason I am not rating this five stars as of the naming issues, general confusion occasionally and being a slow written book.