A review by mylibrarybooks
The Taking of Jake Livingston by Ryan Douglass

I honestly don't know how many stars to give this so I think I'll wait and think and update it at some point. That does not mean this wasn't a good book! The writing is kind of really amazing, especially the descriptions and metaphors used. The characters are well developed, especially the narrators, the non narrative characters were fairly well developed as well, just not as multifaceted maybe. I just...don't know what it was trying to say I guess? It is a great example of YA horror, and definitely brings up important topics. Using the first person perspective for the narrators was great, yet they still felt very removed or withdrawn from the reader (or at least me), which is probably a good thing in the end, but it made it somewhat difficult for me to relate I guess is the word? I can't quite put my finger on what I'm trying to say either. The pacing was a bit slow, and I feel like most of the things that happened at the end maybe should have happened around 1/2 way or 3/4 of the way in, but I also get why they didn't happen then too. So, this is just a strange review, entirely for myself, so I can put together my thoughts about this one.