A review by thechanelmuse
Artemis by Andy Weir


How is THIS the follow-up to The Martian?!

Artemis is such a painful, cringeworthy book. I couldn't finish it. There were a number of things I didn't like, but I don't think I can delve much into it without feeling annoyed all over again.

My main gripe: Jazz, the 26-year-old main character, is annoying AF. Sometimes it feels like she has the personality of Mark Watney (whom I did enjoy in The Martian, but not in this somewhat rehashed "female version"), and other times it feels as if she is an immature teenage boy.

The writing is plain ridiculous and forced.

I giggled like a little girl. Hey, I’m a girl, so I’m allowed.

*rubs temples*...We get, Andy Weir. You're (miserably failing at) writing a female protagonist.

Weir even sprinkles in descriptions of the setting that makes you roll your eyes. Women don't talk like this:

The city shined in the sunlight like a bunch of metallic boobs. What? I’m not a poet. They look like boobs.

Then there's shit like this:

“You may be used to taking shots in the face, but I’m not,” he said. Okay, that was a good one.

*rubs temples*...I just...