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A review by atyp3
The Atlas Paradox by Olivie Blake

Did not finish book. Stopped at 20%.
I was forced to listen to the book as I couldn’t find it in stock anywhere at a price I could afford and couldn’t get the text version from either of my Libby libraries without waiting 5 months. I got 80 pages in before each characters thoughts and feelings just stopped mattering. I realized as we sat in the same scene over a couple hours for 70-80 pages which was really still the same scene that the book started in, that I really just didn’t care anymore because I could tell that the book was just going to be internal dialogue after internal dialogue. The first book was fine with the amount that it had because we didn’t sit in the same scene for so long that it became monotonous but good god I was so ready to keep on with the cool stuff, the worldbuilding, the magic, not how much all the characters basically can’t stand each other and how everybody is pretty much beholden to the two characters who can read minds. 

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