A review by brucefarrar
Tales Designed to Thrizzle, Volume One by Michael Kupperman


This is a very silly volume. The artwork was deliberately incongruous, mildly entertaining, and occasionally funny. The best jokes were in the text such as the book review of an imaginary history of food, which claims that capers “are created by force-feeding arugula to cats and then waiting three hours” or the ads for “Dr. Learning Series of Booklets” offering such titles as: “WHAT GOES ON INSIDE YOUR EAR? Wouldn’t you like to know? The truth will amaze you.” or “TELLING BABOONS. They won’t listen. But you’ll know how to tell them.” or “MAKE MONEY WRITING. Ransom letters, stick-up notes, etc.” However, for my money, the laugh-out-loud jokes are too few and far between.