A review by sequana
Vurt by Jeff Noon



So what I do know is Scribble is desperately missing his sister Desdemona, She is lost in Vurt and apparently the only way to get her back is to going into Vurt from a Yellow Feather.

This did mess with my head, but overall I had a sense that I would never really understand it all, and to be honest I didn't. I reckon if you were a hardcore raver in Manchester, during the time this was written you are going to get this book.

I always felt like I was watching this from a far I could see what was going on but missing the finer points due to my distance.

Spoiler One thing I am really confused about is the world of Vurt at the end Milo is watching Alex and Jo's sleeping forms whilst they are in the Vurt. OK so this turned out to be a Vurt trip anyway, however I cannot get my way round how something can be lost in the Vurt how a whole person can be put there if it is only the mind that goes in. There are transactions if something is left in Vurt then something of equal value comes out of Vurt, HOW??