A review by erikajay
Marked by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast


I picked this book up spur-of-the-moment at the library. I saw that it was part of a series and had vampires in it, so I checked it out. For me, it was a bit awkward. The writing wasn't great (although if I'm being honest, I didn't expect much from a YA vampire book) but there were quite a few references/lines that made it seem like the Casts were trying too hard to capture what teenagers sound like. There were also several places where the book moved rather slowly.

Things I did like:
- vampires in this society aren't hiding in the bushes - everyone knows about them and has seem them. That was a nice twist.
-the incorporation of Cherokee rituals and beliefs.
- the idea of a vampire school.
- the ending.

All in all, this was a fine book. I'm not jumping to read the other ones in the series, but if I need a quick fun read in the future, I may pick up the next one.