A review by celiaedf12
Eustacia Goes to the Chalet School by Elinor M. Brent-Dyer


Book 6 of the Chalet School series, and we meet Eustacia, probably the worst student ever (so far, at least). To give you a sample, the first sentence of this book - "There is no disguising the fact that Eustacia Benson was the most arrant little prig that ever existed." (Which is an awesome insult, by the way - I have been waiting for the opportunity to call someone an arrant little prig.)

(Also, I love that the synopsis on the book page makes it sound like Eustacia is plotting to firebomb the Chalet in revenge.)

Anyway, Eustacia is a snob who tells on the other girls (sneaking is very frowned upon) and generally prances around being a twit (this is the fault of her "elderly" parents who have raised her in an improperly adult manner). She and Jo really get on each other's nerves (which lets you know that we're supposed to particularly hate Eustacia). Eventually the entire school, including the mistresses, hate Eustacia, until (as usual) a dreadful accident occurs. Honestly, so many dreadful accidents occur at the Chalet School it seems a rather dangerous place (and it is only book 6). Anyway, the dreadful accident "peels off the layers of priggishness" and Stacie emerges - a far nicer girl. People basically say to her, "Wow, Eustacia was a bitch, but you're quite nice Stacie," and Stacie nods happily in agreement. Personality change to a proper Chalet school girl completed, complete with a new name. Another reviewer said this was really creepy, and I agree - I prefer it when the naughty girls just get a bit less naughty.

At one point Jo gets a talking to about her general influence with people - how everyone pretty much automatically loves and admires her and how this gives her a greater responsibility - I actually liked how Jo's heroine nature was acknowledged in this way.