A review by jg93
Just a Heartbeat Away by Cara Bastone

Did not finish book. Stopped at 46%.
I just found myself getting bored of this book (and it's not a very long book!) The constant internal struggle where the 42-year old MMC agonizes over having a crush on the 27-year old FMC was off-putting to me - he mentioned her age SO many times, and spoke as if he was geriatric with a crush on someone barely legal. It felt like it was trying to make it seem less weird by making him agonize over it, but it just drew attention to it so much more than if it had just been something he considered, and then they later discussed between them (granted, I didn't read enough to see how they deal with it as a couple, so maybe it was handled better in the last half)
 I also love a good slow burn, but IMO, this just felt...slow in general. I read until the 47% mark, and wasn't feeling much chemistry between the leads. That, combined with the FMC still having a boyfriend (even though it's clear from the beginning they're doomed) the age thing, and the overall stakes feeling very low, I just wasn't compelled to keep reading. I do want to read more from this author, because I've heard good things about her books in general.