A review by diaryofaditi
The Fine Print by Lauren Asher


this book no! after reading [b:Redeemed|53188931|Redeemed (Dirty Air, #4)|Lauren Asher|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1609851138l/53188931._SY75_.jpg|80197036], i was thinking of giving this author another chance! but how my mood has been changed and I'm so raged & annoyed rn. honestly, i was only hooked for like the first 50 pages, and the rest of the book was unnecessary and just not required. i try not to dnf books, because then i feel guilty of not giving it the chance but this book UGH i feel bad for myself!!

omg this girl should advertise for "I'm not like other girls". i hate it when people use this phrase because if you feel good by bringing other women down, GURL SEEK THERAPHY