A review by purging
Singa-Pura-Pura by Nazry Bahrawi


While reading Singa Pura-Pura, I can relate to most of the stories. Which leads me, as an Indonesian, to have this question: how do you identify yourself? Is it by the skin color? religion? language?

My favorite story from this book is "Doa.com".

This story describes about a workaholic person who still finds time to visit his parent's grave and pray for them.
The interpretation is amusing, because, in my childhood, I have always been taught to always pray for my parents.
Then from this story I imagined how the meaning of "praying for your parents" shifted so that humans could create "pre-recorded recitations".

Because humans are too busy with their work and life, but they cannot be separated from the 'budaya' that has been taught for generations.