A review by lashaundaloves
Inconceivable! by Tegan Wren


It's been a few weeks since I finished Inconceivable! by Tegan Wren. I loved Hattie, the main character, but it bothered me that she altered her life so much to accommodate John. I tried to put myself in her shoes though, and I admit that if I met Prince Harry and I had the option to marry him or continue my career, I'd probably choose becoming a princess too. (I'm a teacher in America though, so I'd choose many things over my career.) I think my biggest gripe is that it was such a huge focal point of the first half of the novel when it was obvious what the outcome would be--the novel is about them trying to conceive a heir. On that note, I expected more time devoted to the actual topic and the emotional struggle I'd anticipate in that situation. It was hard to connect emotionally with Hattie's struggle when each method or treatment took less than a few pages for them to go through before they moved on to the next. Perhaps the goal isn't to make me feel a certain type of way FOR Hattie, but to simply inform about infertility and the struggle women and couples go through to conceive. If so, mission accomplished. Overall, I did enjoy this novel. Again, I really liked the main character, Hattie. I enjoyed reading their love story unfold. I used to be obsessed with the British royal family as a kid, and I still keep tabs on them, so that made reading this novel's interpretation of them more enjoyable. It was written exactly as I perceive them. Like my favorite royal, Prince Harry, the book's counterpart, Prince Henri, is one of my favorite characters overall. I really don't want to take away from the heart of this novel, which is infertility, and I did learn a lot I didn't know about the process, but Inconceivable! is great as a love story and has a really happy ending.