A review by cindypager
Badlands by C.J. Box


Picked this up at the library on a whim.... and I now want to follow Detective Cassie Dewell on her next case.... in a heavy winter coat, gloves, hat, scarf, etc.

Cassie ends up in what was a small town in North Dakota - until fracking for oil turns it into a boom town with all of the associated challenges of rapid overpopulation - violence and drugs included.
Rival drug gangs clash in gruesome ways, and it smells like there's a bad cop on the force. In 20 to 30 below zero weather, Cassie is trying to get to the bottom of how this little town ended up with body parts all over it. Somehow, the key pieces of information may lie with a 12 year old paperboy challenged by fetal alcohol syndrome.

I was on the edge of my seat through the very end.