A review by frankikaos
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger


I struggled to get into this book at first. It maybe has mire to do with the fact that I'm nit really a big fan of these lovey-dovey romantic affairs than it being poorly written- once I found myself getting into it, I was completely submerged in a world where it was possible for a genetic defect to mean you could find yourself travelling in time!
It was an enjoyable, if not occasionally confusing, book that I'm glad I've read although I'm not sure if I'd pick it up again in a hurry.
Once again, my love of good, solid characters came to bite me as I couldn't really find myself sympathising with or even really liking the female lead, Clare- I found her character very strong at first but then she waxed and wained a bit and at times I found her downright petulant.
Henry on the other hand, I quite liked even though he is what I would describe to be a bit of a bastard- but a lovable one at least.
I found their relationship quite captivating if not a little far-fetched but hey, this book is all about a man who can time travel- far-fetched is to be expected!
Still, a decent book that deserves all the acclaim it's earned although it's not traditionally my cup of tea.