A review by wingedcreature
Torment by Lauren Kate


For some reason, I decided to pick this book up even though it's been ages since I've read the first book. 

I did like seeing Luce at Shoreline, and seeing her fit into a world she didn't know about.  There's more to it than I thought, and I really liked seeing everything with the Shadows.  We learn a lot more about everything going on with Daniel, and what happened so long ago.  

I did leave the book with more questions than answers, and I want to know more about Luce and why she can do what she can do.  I am absolutely convinced there is more to it, and I'm hoping we'll get some answers.  I have the feeling the answers will be replaced with a million more questions, since there are a couple more books to go in the series.  But still, I would like some answers.  Especially with the Outcasts.  And the battle at the end of book.  It wasn't completely explained and I'm hoping there are answers in the next book.

I didn't particularly like Daniel.  He's supposed to be the good guy, and the whole reason Luce is in this situation is because of Daniel.  And yet, it seems like she is an object for him to have.  Cam seems to care more about her safety than Daniel, and he seems much more willing to actually talk to her and explain things to her. 

Daniel is really moody, and while I don't expect him to be a saint, I expected something different from him.  It really seems like he loves the idea of Luce, and their epic history, but he's shown no interest in wanting to get to know her.  Maybe he's trying to protect himself after decades of finding her, only to lose.  It doesn't make his behavior okay, because it's not.  But I don't get the sense that he really, truly cares about her and I'm having a hard time rooting for them.  It really feels like there's no chemistry between Daniel and Luce.

Speaking of Luce, she was pretty whiny, but I don't really blame her.  I think I would be too.  At least there were a few students who made things better for her while she was at Shoreline.  Hopefully she'll continue to have some sort of group who makes things bearable.  I think it may be good for her, but we'll see.

My Rating: 3 stars.  I liked it the same as Fallen (the first book) but I still want to keep reading.  I'm hoping Daniel will be different, but we'll see.