A review by vailynst
Breakers by Edward W. Robertson


**Potential Minor Spoilers in the Review**

I'm undecided on how to score the book. I'll make a decision once I finish writing my review. I listened to half of the story and read the rest. I went back and listened to the last few chapters because I couldn't quite believe that it had ended. It doesn't matter if the narrator said "Epilogue" before proceeding to wrap up the story. I mean, I knew the end was coming but I wasn't ready for it yet.

Thus far, I would have to say that I really enjoy Robertson's way of describing NYC and LA. You can tell that he's been there because there are touches of insight that you only grasp if you really live in the area. What you pick up as a local. Towards the middle of the book, Raymond and Walt lose a bit of individuality, or perhaps all of the characters lose a bit of what made them real once there were more than two characters on the scene. The main characters' introspection, memories or present thoughts/emotions are what made the story really vibrant for me. Some of that personal touch is lost once there are a group of people to move around the board.

It's really easy to lose myself in this silent, casually violent world of desolation but I had to work to suspend my believe once the cast started to plan how to fight back against the invasion. Ok. Maybe I had to work on that suspension from the first alien fight but it became harder to do later on.

Two high-fives on the aero plan! I was pretty happy to see a key point from the start of the story being implemented towards the end. It's quirky and fits right in the state of things.

Can you believe that I forgot the story was going to have aliens? For whatever reason, I was totally ready for it to be about man-made biotech and survival. Imagine my snort of surprise when I got to the part about alien airships? Ha!

I listened to the end of Breakers for the second time and my response is the same:

"Suurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre. It's over. Ship went kaboom and everyone lives happily ever after in the mechanical wasteland. Nahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Can't wait to see what's up in the next book!

Also, the secret is out. It's totally obvious that Robertson is a romantic.