A review by gabbysreading
We Own Tonight by Corinne Michaels


4.5 Stars

We Own Tonight is every teeny bopper's dream. Every girl that had their favorite boy band poster hanging on their wall. Every girl who believed their favorite singer was singing only to them. This was 12-year-old Me's dream. LOL I looooved a boy band. (Still do) Can you imagine having your teenage celebrity crush pick you out of a crowd and then pursue you?! *sigh

Corinne Michaels once again does not disappoints. I loved this book!! I've read stories where the superstar falls for the normal girl before but, We Own Tonight is a different and fresh twist to the trope. It's so good!! The characters…gah!..I can't get over how much I love these characters. I loved their push and pull and I love their fiery connection. Heather, my goodness, has had so much pain in her life but she is still so selfless and strong. And Eli…swoon… he's so dreamy and ridiculously perfect. I fell hard for his tenacity and determination. If he were real, there is no doubt I would have his poster hanging on the bedroom walls.

I was ready for this book to be a sexy, fun, light romance. Shame on me. I should have known better. It is Corinne after all. In her typical fashion, the woman had to go ahead a make me feel things. Even though I finally made it through one of her books without crying, (HALLELUJAH) there were still those moments where I was close to losing it. Super close. Like there's-pressure-building-between-my-eyes-and-if-anyone-talks-to-me-right-now-I'm-going-to-break-out-into-an-ugly-cry close. These moments just made the story that much more amazing. We Own Tonight is just another one of Corinne Michaels' must read masterpieces. It is not to be missed.