A review by cammschwartz
Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves


This is an advanced copy... anything can change at any moment.......

I really had high hopes. I don't like contemporary, but fantasy with magic is my favorite. I loved the Six of Crows series and Throne of glass series. Anna Arden is such a cool name too!

First off,
Romani Gábor- really his actual name is Gábor Kovács, the Romani part means he is gypsy?!!? He doesn't really have a lovey dovey part with Anna. They kiss 2 or three times, the first was pathetic too.

Mátyás- he likes to toy with Anna?! But he loves Noemi, not only was it confusing, but it was a weird way to have a backup character?? I mean.... Anna.... you like Gábor but do you like Mátyás.

The rebellion and breaking of spells.... okay I really don't want to spoil it too much... but really? Both sides are pathetic! The spell breaking, okay I can see the way the author wanted to show this, but it might just be me, I don't like it. The rebellion? Don't get me started.