A review by sarah_moynihan
The Bachelor by Sabrina Jeffries


'Lady Gwyn Drake has long protected her family's reputation by hiding an imprudent affair from her youth. But when her former suitor appears at Armitage Hall, manhandling the heiress and threatening to go public with her secrets, it's Gwyn who needs protecting. Her twin brother, Thorn, hires Joshua Wolfe, the estate's gamekeeper, to keep her safe in London during her debut. As a war hero, Joshua feels obligated to fulfill the assignment he has accepted. But as a man, it's torment to be so very close to the beauty he's fought to ignore . . .

With handsome Joshua monitoring her every move, Gwyn would prefer to forget both the past and the parade of money-seeking bachelors at her coming out. But Joshua is unmoved by her attempts at flirtation, and the threat of blackmail still hangs over her. With danger closing in, Gwyn must decide which is the greater risk: deflecting a scoundrel's attempts to sabotage her--or revealing her whole heart to the rugged bodyguard she can't resist . . .'

The Bachelor is the second book in Sabrina Jefferies Duke Dynasty series. I had seen this book a lot around Goodreads recently and people seemed to be really enjoying it. So when I passed it at the store a few weeks back, I picked up my own copy and I'm glad I did. I really enjoyed this book. Plus it's a very quick read too, less than 300 pages.

I didn't really like Gwyn at first, her naivety and poor decision making were really bothering me. But as I continued to read, the reasoning behind her actions began to seem more logical and I understood why she was making the choices she was. Then I was really on board and was more invested in the storyline and the developing feelings between Gwyn and Joshua. I will say though that I just didn't really see the connection between these two as much as in other books.
I didn't read the first book in the series, but that did not detract from my understanding or enjoyment of this book. But it did appear at the end of the book that a mystery is being introduced which might carry throughout the rest of the series, so I would say that the book doesn't really serve as a stand-alone.

The Bachelor is the first book that I have read by Sabrina Jefferies and I wasn't sure what I'd think of it, but I really enjoyed it.  I do believe that I will be going back to read the first in the series and look forward to the next. I will be keeping my eyes out for more books by this author.