A review by brittburkard
Arrival Mind by Louis Rosenberg


The artwork caught my eye and the description had me intrigued. As a parent I am of course neck deep in picture books daily, and I love them. So a picture book for adults? Yes please.

A quick, but engaging and though-provoking little book that leaves you pondering our relationship and future with AI. I adored the way a complex subject has been covered in a simple but very effective way, and then you are offered a bit more in depth look into the topic in the last few pages written in short paragraph. The artwork in this book was lovely and extremely effective in emphasizing the ideas brought up in the book. Khymeyevska is a gifted illustrator and I would love to see more of their work.

While this is not the first time I have come across the ‘potential benefit and the potential danger of AI’ in my reading journey this little book was absolutely an ‘oh yeah, we might be doomed’ refresher; but I mean that in the best way possible. Reading this even led me having an entire discussion with my husband about artificial intelligence and our world after I described to him what I was reading. Any book that can lead to great discussion always gets a bonus star in my book.

While I would hesitate sharing this book with younger kids, or more sensitive kids (it is after all geared toward adults and has concepts that might be frightening to a younger audience) it would make a great one to share with older kids/teens if technology and AI are interests in your household, I’m sure it will lead to some fascinating family talks. I plan to keep this book in mind for a future homeschool read just for this reason.

Note: I did receive a free review copy of this book and I am voluntarily reviewing it.