A review by robinlovesreading
Chaos by Iris Johansen


Having read three connected series by Iris Johansen, Eve Duncan, Kendra Micheals and Catherine Ling, it was nice to meet a new protagonist,. This thrilling story does have a brief cameo by Eve Duncan and an extended role by Margaret Douglas. I am more than familiar with the brilliant horse whisperer as she was the primary protagonist in No Easy Target, and she was also in at least six of the Eve Duncan series titles, including Hunting Eve and Shadow Play.

However, this book introduces CIA Agent Alisa Flynn who often writes her own rules. As this book opens, Alisa is in Morocco and is clearly breaking into billionaire Gabe Korgan's study. She is not sure how she was noticed by the guard dogs, as her planning was flawless. At first she waits and hopes they become silent, but in just moments she hears his voice. She's caught! Always a quick thinker, Alisa has a plan in mind. Can she get Korgan to help her in a dangerous mission?

And what a mission! Schoolgirls in Africa are being kidnapped, and one of the missing girls is someone that she views as a sister. Alisa is after a man named Jorge Masenak. Through careful research Alisa has learned that Masenak is a common enemy between them. She is more than confident that she can get Korgan to work with her to rescue the girls.

One of the girls, Sasha, is truly gifted. Even though held prisoner, she managed to release some special horses and this has truly angered Masenak. Sasha is said to be a horse whisperer. As things turn out, someone else called into play once Korgan agrees to work with Alisa, and that is Margaret Douglas, a renowned horse whisperer. Can the three lay a trap and rescue the girls - and the horses - and catch Masenak?

Certainly none of this will be easy, thus this book lays the groundwork for a a thrilling new title by Iris Johansen. Chaos reigns in the efforts that take them deep into the jungles of Africa as they track the missing girls. This book is not for the faint of heart. The girls are grossly mistreated, even as Alisa was when she was much younger. Yet, if you want a story that will keep you turning pages long into the night, go no further, Chaos will fit the bill. All of Johansen's books I have read thus far have romance in them, and this book is no different.

Chaos is a fabulous book and would make a great series! I would love to see where Alyssa and Korgan can go from there, and of course, I love how Johansen ties in characters from previous series. Despite its length, this book was a one-sitting read for me! Johansen makes her books quite like a movie with action, drama and compelling characters. I am eager for whatever next she has in store for her readers.

Many thanks to Grand Central Publishing and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.