A review by bananatricky
Night Shift by Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews, Lisa Shearin


Secrets at Midnight - Nalini Singh
The story of Bastien and Kirby. Bsatien is looking for his mate but her scent is 'off'. He can't determine whether she is shifter or human, he scents her in the city but the scent just disappears. Then he meets Kirby and knows immediately that she is the one - but what is the mystery with her scent? I would classify this is as standard short story in a long-running series. A pleasant feel-good story involving a previously mentioned minor character and an easily-resolved mystery. A solid three stars.

Magic Steals - Ilona Andrews
The reason I bought the book. Jim and Dali. Need I say more? I had fears that this was the other Jim and Dali short story where they first declare feelings for each other (but it isn't). Their relationship has progressed somewhat, although still a secret from Dali's mother, and they are called in to investigate the disappearance of a member of the Indonesian community which soon escalates. Love them, loved the plot, loved how it hung together. Four and a half stars (it lost half a star for not being a full-length book).

Lucky Charms - Lisa Shearin
This was my first Lisa Shearin story. More light-hearted than the previous two stories it centres on Makenna Fraser's first day at SPI which involves her trying to track down five horny leprechauns who disappeared from their handlers in a strip club (one of them was a Prince on his stag night). I thought this was a great introduction to a supernatural world and the SPI. Will definitely look out for more of her books.

The Beast of Blackmoor - Milla Vane
So Milla Vane is Meljean Brooks' alterego and this is a new venture - Barbarians! At first I found it hard to get into the story - it's very dark and medieval in feel (yeah Barbarians - duh!). But once I got started it really flowed well. Kavik asks a goddess for a quest, when he is refused he insults the goddess by pissing in her temple for which she curses him. Flash to the present day and a warrior princess is on a quest, for the same goddess, to tame the Beast of Blackmoor and help her people. When the two of them meet Kavik realises the curse is upon him. Although it was obvious (to me) how this story was going I really enjoyed it. It was markedly different from the other stories but was a great start in a new direction. Look forward to more Barbarian stories.