A review by bitsysbooks
Go Ask Alice by


“Go Ask Alice” by Beatrice Sparks is an amazing work of fiction. Because its main character is “anonymous”, you could put any person in their shoes. This is what makes this story so powerful and true to life; “Alice” could be anyone.

This book consists of a series of diary entries that express how dehumanized “Alice” feels. “It’s my birthday. I am 15. Nothing”(3). This brief journal says so much. She thinks so little of herself that her own birthday doesn’t bring her joy. When “Alice” attends a party, she experiences her first interaction with drugs. She thinks getting high will improve her quality of life and begins to use drugs to change the way she feels. “Alice” is disillusioned to the fact that these drugs are slowly driving her to the point of no return. She ends up leaving home and her life continues to spiral out of control. She hangs out with the drug crowd and stoops so low as to deal to children at the elementary school. In the end, these drugs that she thought were her savior drive her to take her own life.

Overall, “Go Ask Alice” was an eye opening read. It shows what drugs can do to you, especially a young person. “Alice’s” fate was a tragedy. If only she realized what drugs were doing to her before it was too late. I hope that someday we will have a world with less “Alice’s.”