A review by midnarose
Unwell Women: Misdiagnosis and Myth in a Man-Made World by Elinor Cleghorn

informative medium-paced


I really enjoyed this read,

Elinor Cleghorn definitely did her research and wrote the information in such a way that it was intriguing, entertaining (even if some topics are difficult- they make you mad at the world), and educational. A lot of the topics I already knew about (being a women), but little tidbits of information here and there were new and enlightening (also frustrating that men and people were idiots in the past in regard to a women's health and with what's going on in the world and the USA I don't think they have learned anything).

I think this book is a great read for any Women, especially if they feel like they are not heard by their doctors. It was a great history on medicine in regard to women's health and summarized how we got to current medical practices for women today and what still needs to be worked on. I would love to see more people in the health science fields (doctors , nurses, medical research scientists, health policy makers etc) read this book and talk about these topics to try and fill up the short comings in the medical systems around the world which have been caused by having a highly male based system. 

This book shows that medicine has come a long way from considering women sinful for having periods which allows them to kill animals with a stare, or diagnosing women with "hysteria" for everything. However, Medicine still has a long way to go as women are still highly misdiagnosed or there symptoms and pain are over looked as being over exaggerations. And sadly in many places in the world women's rights to their own bodies are still being fought for. 

This was a great read and I would recommend to anyone to read, just be warned you may get angry at the stupid priests in the 1600 century and most male doctors throughout the centuries following (like no sorry I do not have poison powers when I have my period, I can not touch you and give you leprosy, but hey I wish I did have super powers during my period it would make the pain so much more barrable) . 

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