A review by bartlebebop
Godless Citizens in a Godly Republic: Atheists in American Public Life by R. Laurence Moore, Isaac Kramnick


This was an informative and very objective account of nonbelievers in American society. I particularly enjoyed the criticism Moore leveled at the Islamophobia of the New Atheist movement. I wish there were mentions of the deep connections between libertarian Atheist free speech movement and racism. The only mention to this was a quick mention of many Atheists following Ayn Rand's work closely. However, I felt the arguments in the book were robust and the historical analysis in the first half were both beneficial and persuasive in cautioning against the erasure of nonbelief in the educational curriculum. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Jane Addams were a few of the people I had no idea were nonbelievers even though I had read and studied them in the past particularly Elizabeth Cady Stanton's Women's Bible and the Seneca Falls Convention. Overall, I feel more informed about the history of the movement.