A review by kellyg_5013
Bittersweet Always by Ella Fields


Oh Ella!!! This book was something else! And I mean that in a GREAT way!!! Short version of this review is:
Its a great story with a lot of feels and written by someone who KNOWS how to pull all those feels out of you! Go buy it now!

The longer, rambling version of this review is:
Let me preface this by saying that I have personal experience with a bipolar family member, and there is no borderline to it.... she can get off the charts!

This story of Toby and Pippa was one that I was really looking forward to. Toby has a mental illness and falls for Pippa. Pippa has a bad experience with men suffering from mental illnesses. When she got together with him she was unaware that he has problems. But when she found out, THAT was when the true story began. That's when you got to the heart of the story. This was a story about a young couple who had severe issues and instead of running away, they worked together to make their relationship work! They do encounter some problems along the way, and reading about the way they "handle" them is great.

As for the feels..... this one had them all for me... all except for anger. As much as I wanted to be mad at Toby for some of his behavior, I just couldn't! Don't get me wrong, I did not agree with the way he handled some situations, but I just couldn't bring myself to be ANGRY at him. My empathy for Pippa ran deep! I pretty much felt everything that she felt. The love, the heart break, the fun, the heat, the feeling of going a little crazy herself when she wasn't getting answers. The only thing I never felt was her anger (and that goes back to I couldn't get mad at Toby...most likely due to personal experience). Ella wrote a fantastic story of love and mental illness from both point of view in a spectacular way. To write something like that from both sides would take A LOT of talent and I would think was pretty consuming and draining. But here it is, and absolutely fantastic! I cried more than once!!! Ella is the master of making me cry! I have shed tears while reading every single one of her books! There were also a few curve balls thrown at you that I am hoping end up coming out with their own stories in the future. But if Ella Fields writes it, I will always read it! She is definitely a one-click author for me!