A review by mkhare
First Test by Tamora Pierce


My favourite Tamora Pierce series, and where I recommend all readers new to this author begin.


4.75 stars. This book has much more of a warm, Harry Potter, or rather Hogwarts style vibe to it* than Pierce's Song of the Lioness quartet, and her writing has vastly improved in comparison as well. As this book only covers Kel's first year, we are able to see her grow and change in a much more gradual, believable way than the rapid pace featured in Alanna: the First Adventure. Kel's disciplined upbringing along with the unique history and experiences of her family members coupled with her own steady, calm nature also help to reader to believe that she is in fact ten years old in the world of Tortall, even if she is 'the oldest ten-year-old' Neal has ever met.

The story satisfyingly combines conflicts/struggles with gentle humour/warmth and was overall a joy to reread. I loved re-encountering, Neal, the sparrows, Peachblossom, and even Lord Wyldon again after all these years, and it was wonderful to see how characters from TSotL have changed since we last saw them in that series.

*Joren is pretty much Draco without the father issues in this first book, let's be honest.

P.S. On an unrelated side note, I am so glad that I still own (or were able to track down the same editions of) my original copies of Tamora Pierce's books. I definitely like these covers/overall editions the best!