A review by zzzrevel
Brass by Xhenet Aliu


I thought this was fantastic. What a heartbreaker
and emotional ride.

A mother and a daughter alternate telling their
stories, the mother in first person, the daughter
in second person.

The mother is self-deprecating but mildly
humorous so it all works out. She has the
more interesting story to tell and it really
really got to me emotionally and I'm not
that type of guy to get that involved in a
story. But I had to know how it ended
even though there is the daughter's voice
too in alternate chapters so you at last know
that turned out ok.

The daughter is also not big on self-esteem
but her story is not as emotional although
it does have somewhat of a surprise ending
that also saddened me.

I wonder if any of this is (auto)biographical
because the author seems to have the same
ethnic background as the daughter. That may
have played into how it affected me, but
in either case this was a terrific read.