A review by caedocyon
Talking to Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede


The first three books in the series are among my favorite books I read as a kid. My library didn't have number four (Talking to Dragons), so for me the series ended on a cliffhanger and I wondered desperately what would happen in the last book.

When I finally got my hands on it, it was a major disappointment. I still prefer to pretend it didn't happen. Daystar (and are we supposed to believe that Cimorene would name her child something as romantic and soppy as Daystar?!) is a dull hero by most standards, but when you contrast him to the sharp, vital, and feminist Cimorene he suffers particularly badly. It's hard to believe that this stodgy, traditional kid is related to her, much less raised by her as a single mother at the edge of an enchanted forest. Add a literally-fiery redhead love interest (ooh, how original) and you pretty much have a recipe for complete disappointment.

I've been mainlining Vorkosigan fanfic recently, and I can't help but think that Cimorene and Cordelia would get along extremely well. Miles is the son that Daystar really should have been.