A review by bitchie
Starstruck by L.A. Witt


Usually, LA Witt's books are chock full of super hot sex. This one, surprisingly enough, wasn't. And surprisingly enough, I loved it anyway.

I really enjoyed watching Levi and Carter get to know each other, and even though the sex didn't happen til nearly 80% into the book, the UST was great. Then once they finally did the deed, it had all the heat that I've come to expect from Witt.

One thing that frustrated me is why Levi cared SO much about what his parents thought. They seemed to be fairly shit parents, so why was he so worried about disappointing them? I'd also liked to have known, were his parents society lushes, or poor drunks, or what. Not much detail was put into the family story other than that they were both alcoholics, on the wagon now, and very judgmental. And I don't even know if Carter HAD parents, they were never mentioned.

Still, all in all, this was a very enjoyable read, about a guy finally coming to the realization that some things (or in this case, someONE) was worth risking his family and his career for.