A review by purple676
Let's Play Murder by Kesia Lupo


I was excited about this because games and thrillers go so good together but sadly this one didn’t work for me. What I liked about it was the game and that it was a short book. The ending twist was interesting but not enough to save the whole thing for me.

What I didn’t like:

1. The characters. Everyone was so annoying. Specially Veronica’s pov. I wish the book at least had multiple povs.
2. The tone was extra preachy and I hate preachy books. There is a difference between having something to say and being preachy and yes there is a difference.
3. There is no way a teenager, a Gen Z, would say something like this: “Aaron shrugged. ‘I have a lot of this stuff at home. Hating VR made me hate other modern tech too. Older things feel … safer? I don’t even have a smartphone.”

No. Fucking. Way.