A review by ethancf
Ex Machina: The Deluxe Edition, Vol. 3 by Tom Feister, Jim Clark, J.D. Mettler, John Paul Leon, Tony Harris, Jared K. Fletcher, Brian K. Vaughan


Much more scifi/superhero buildup this volume, for better or for worse. It is interesting and engaging, and surprisingly novel, but the series still seems to be directionless which is a problem considering at this point it's more than halfway over. We're building and building and I'm not hopeful that all of this can be satisfyingly completed by the final issue, especially considering how much the story is still relying on flashbacks (still! at this point!).

But really these are minor complaints because the series is still super enjoyable, the politics are well explored if a tad dated, and Hundred is becoming one of Vaughan's best, most developed characters. I love the dynamic between him and most of the secondary characters and that's only gotten better as the series has gone on.