A review by mellamaron
Bleed by Laurie Faria Stolarz


I really liked the idea of this book. It was well done, bleeding through the book like the word itself. (Ha ha ha.) I loved that each chapter was a different person's POV. But the only thing I felt that was bad about that was that Stolarz didn't make everything have an ending. All of the endings of the characters felt really open. I'm not the type of person to like open endings. I like all of my endings sealed with no worries about what happens after.

And some of the characters were really annoying. BUT I felt like they were only annoying in other people's chapters. I usually always liked the character from their POV. I really liked that...that you could feel differently about a person once you knew what was behind their rudeness or anxiety. Though it was actually backwards for me with Nicole. I REALLY didn't like her in her chapter. But when I saw her through everyone else's eyes, I thought she was pretty amazing. Weird, huh?

This was a good quick read. I'm glad I finally got to read it.