A review by himalaya
Everything Under the Moon: Fairy tales in a Queerer Light by Michael Earp


A really nice anthology of queer fairytales! definitely a mix of all sorts of stories.
Some were a bit forgettale (I mean I'm just not a short story person) but I really enjoyed others!

I picked this up specifically because I heard there was an aromantic story (which I didn't know much else about) and yeah it hit hard actually. it's about being okay with loneliness and also centred around artists...so. did make me cry a bit, also. i'd give that one 5 stars.

I liked that a lot of the stories focused on platonic relationships - most on siblings actually? I appreciate that there were a couple of sapphic aces, too.

I will say that while the illustrations are high quality (the naturey ones are especially beautiful), I found a lot of them depicted the characters as...very disnefied? idk, thin and generic, lacking 'imperfect' features like freckles, even. (when described as having freckles). not all of them, definitely, but quite a few of the character designs were a bit samey within the otherwise really nice illustrations.

Would have loved author's notes talking about the story inspirations as well - obviously recognised some, but not all. There's a list on the endpapers but not which refers to which. (I did find a list on GR afterwards, but still.