A review by shecantcomplain
Across the Wall: A Tale of the Abhorsen and Other Stories by Garth Nix


PG-13 to R
Death, death, and more death. I don't know what my fascination was, but I read the whole trilogy one after another and then read this. It is an amazing collection of short stories for those who couldn't get enough of the Abhorsen and her mystical world clashing with a more sedate one close to our own. The zombies, monsters, death, and overall vivid accounts of sounds, smells, and sights rate it up there with the PG-13 and R lot. There were often times that I would look up from the book on purpose to remind myself that I wasn't there; I was here, in my apartment, far from zombies, but within running distance of my friend Luke who has a plan for the zombie apocalypse.

Yeah, it was that good.