A review by ldooten
Before She Was Mine by Amelia Wilde


This was a good read. The writing flowed well, and I thought that Dayton and Summer were good together. There wasn't off the charts chemistry for them to me, but I could see them as a couple. Dayton had a lot of problems after coming home from the war, and the things that happened after. It took him a long time to believe that he was worthy of anything. Summer was pretty stubborn about Dayton believing that he wasn't good enough for her. She stuck it out, and made him believe. There are some twists and turns along the way, but everything works it's self out in the end. You're sort of left hanging at the end, but it's more of a set up for the next book. Dayton and Summer's story is complete. I can't wait to read Wes's story!
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book.