A review by livres_de_bloss
Shopaholic to the Rescue by Sophie Kinsella



While slightly over the top and outlandish, this was a very different book than the rest of the series.
There was next to no shopping and it wasn’t funny. Instead it was serious and dealt with some heavier subject matters.
It was nice to have a book without Becky lying and being a brat.

The characters seemed to have total personality transplants and those that I previously liked, I found myself annoyed with.

It also loses points for introducing characters in a final instalment of a series and expecting us to care about them.

Looking back at the series, I wish it had stopped with the wedding. If it absolutely had to continue, it should have stopped with the baby.
These last two books were completely unnecessary.
As I said in my review of #7, once it moved to America, the already deteriorating books completely lost their charm. The fact that it must be a huge cash cow for the author becomes embarrassingly transparent.

I’m glad I read it but I’m also glad this series is over.