A review by whatcandicereads
Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping by and Get Your Financial Life Together by Erin Lowry


“Money is already a taboo subject to discuss in our culture, so speaking up about not having enough or not finding value in the same things as your friends seems socially repugnant.”

Attempting to get my financial life in check, I picked up this book because, well, let’s be honest, I’m a broke millennial. Despite an introductory finance class back in high school, my “money knowledge” is quite laughable, especially as a recent college grad and someone trying to make it work in the big city. From emergency funds and tangible budgeting to exploring financial advisors and managing investments, the author tackles the important issues nearly every millennial has faced.

If you already have a good grip on financial tools and the very basics for financial planning, you may want to pick up a different, more in depth read. For those of you who may not be as money savvy as you should (literally me) this is the perfect starting point!