A review by sarahanne8382
Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card


Orson Scott Card is going to put Ender fanfic writers out of business. He's also never going to miss an opportunity to cash in on an Ender story. The events in Card's current midquel, take place primarily between chapters 14 and 15 of Ender's Game. Several of the events that take place were already covered in previous writings about Ender, and this book essentially serves as way to tie up all the practical loose ends between Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead as well as the entire Shadow series about Bean and Peter and the other Battle Schoool students, in one book.

So essentially, this is a non-essential book. I devoured it, because I'm a crazy addict like that, yet I'm sure anyone who's just not that into the whole series will find this book completely unneccesary. It's still Card writing what's in the mind of his infinitely interesting characters, yet there's not really a great novel length story to tell, just a lot of details of Ender's exile period that didn't necessarily need to be explained.

The only other major development that fans of the Ender series should know about is that while writing this book, Card realized that he needed to rewrite chapter 15 of Ender's Game, because he discovered that while the spirit of the chapter is right, a lot of the practical details just didn't make sense when he was writing Ender in Exile and started thinking in detail about how the founding of the colonies would play out. I can't blame him, but this also means that he will be producing a new edition of Ender's Game with his revised version of the final chapter. Oh wait, was that a cash register I heard ringing ...