A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Conquered by Devyn Sinclair


I'm not entirely sure why I said yes when I was offerend this arc. The cover of course looks amazing, as most self-pub covers do, but the summary didn't really sound entirely as my thing. And yet, yet I grew curious. I grew curious about the world, where this story would go and I already read other books by Sinclair and liked those. So, eventually I decided that I was most likely gonna regret not getting it. It turns out I was right.

This book was amazing from the very first page until the very last. The atmosphere and the world were so incredibly well done, especially because Sinclair never loses herself in explanations or lengthy descriptions. She simply lets us experience the world. That means that in the beginning it's hard to follow what all the strange terms mean, but the more familiar with the world I got, the more all those terms started to make sense.

It's clear that this world has a rich mythology and an amazing history. Since the characters in this book were mostly traveling around looking for a magical artefact we learned quite a lot about said history and we got to see a lot of magical places. However, it still feels like there is a lot more to discover. It feels as if there is much more world to discover, much more Gods to get to know and much more culture to explore. I can't wait to do so in the next book!

And even though it feels like we don't know all the main characters that well either, it also feels like they've become very close friends to me. It's hard to explain. It's a feeling. The feeling that those guys can be trusted, that they each have been through quite a lot of pain, that they have so much more to show and tell us, but didn't dare yet. The same can be said about our heroine. And yet I love them and root for them to find a way to change this world and make it a better place.